

Working Experience

2022 Mar - present
Software Engineer
Noah Media Group

Building new technologies for the film makers.

2020 Nov - 2022 Mar
Full Stack Software Developer

Built a scalable, highly responsive and multi user application for online meetings. We worked with Meteor JS to achieve a seamless multi user experience of a native application that was delivered through the web browser. We relied on MongoDB in the cloud and built the frontend with React.JS framework. We focused on functional programming paired with Hexagonal Architecture (Port and Adapter Pattern).

2020 Jul - 2020 Nov
JavaScript Software Developer
Wutzu Technologies

Improved the robustness of the application through relentless code refactoring, removing unnecessary bloated code and replacing big class components with small functional ones. I addressed all asynchronous problems implementing JS Promises and wrote clean functions that delivered consistent app behaviour. This directly impacted user experience of the whole application and improved usability. Streamlined the shop onboard process to make it easy and fast for any shop eligible to join the platform and start selling products as soon as possible.

2020 May - 2020 Jul
Intern Software Developer
Wutzu Technologies

Implemented designs and new features to improve stores application in general. I worked with React and Google Firebase Cloud along with a other JavaScript dependencies like Redux, Router, Ant Design, all working on a custom crafted Webpack configuration. I contributed to the overall development of the product, sales strategy and business offer which allowed us to sign up a significant chain of stores as our clients.

2018 - 2019
Freelance Web Developer

Responsible for developing and co-designing new brand image of London Java Community and Meet a Mentor Community. I worked with LJC founders and freelance designer to bring about that change. Some of that work is shared in my portfolio.

Educational Qualifications

Bachelors in Software Development - Front End

Developed skills in JavaScript OOP, React.js, jQuery, MySQL, Bootstrap 4, CSS3, HTML5, Software Testing, Git & GitHub. OpenClassrooms is an online university for vocational training, providing degree level diplomas in IT, technology, entrepreneurship, and digital skills. Courses are conducted fully online, through a mix of video resources, online reading, real-life projects, and individual mentoring sessions with senior developers.

Software Development Specialization

OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) MTA Software Development Fundamentals (98-361) CIW Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist (1D0-620)